Structural Insulated Panel Videos

Innova Panel

Welcome to Innova  Panel Video page. We invite you to watch the following videos to learn more about structural insulated panels and the many benefits of using SIPs on your next project. Knowledge is Power and these videos give a brief overview of building with SIPs. For more in depth technical videos, please visit our Innova Eco Building You Tube channel for more videos on Structural Insulated Panel Installation, Electrical Installations in SIPs and many other useful topics and discussions about building with Structural Insulated Panels.

Building With Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs)

Designing with MGO Structural Insulated Panels

In this course, the design professional will discover how High-performance MgO Insulated Structural panels are a part of an energy-efficiency design strategy that can improve energy efficiency and performance with small to medium size projects. Designers will also learn about the unique properties of SIPs such as high fire ratings, greater R-Values and superior structural integrity that make the system out perform traditional building methods. In learning these things designers will take away the knowledge that not only are SIPs a strong, environmentally friendly building material, but also a cost-effective way to build.

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